Pudding on the Ritz? The sahara of desserts? Pudding-zilla? giga pudding from japans Takara Tomy is the sumo-sized snack that will soon leave you as big & jiggly as IT is!
If you've ever visited Japan, one of the first things you notice is how few fat people there are. Well, that's all about to change, thanks in no small part to Giga Pudding. Basically a huge Cream Caramel about 20 times the size of a normal serving, Giga Pudding puts all those mega and uber puddings to shame - not to mention doing major damage to both the Japanese concept of healthy eating and the cholesterol levels of the eaters. A lean dessert it ain't, in fact Giga Pudding may be a receipe for disaster if there aren't enough mouths to feed
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